We are a new Association in Cyprus which aims to develop social and cultural relations between Cyprus and Ireland. By organising events we aim to promote Irish culture in Cyprus, fostering Celtic links with groups and individuals in Cyprus and creating Cypriot links with groups and individuals in Ireland.

WELCOME! We are the Cyprus Ireland Association which aims to develop social and cultural relations between Cyprus and Ireland. By organising events we aim to promote Irish culture in Cyprus, fostering Celtic links with groups and individuals in Cyprus and creating Cypriot links with groups and individuals in Ireland.

We are here to act as an umbrella organisation for Cyprus Ireland connections and maintain networking and communication facilities for Irish people living and working in Cyprus through our events, functions and community activities. Our committee is formed of both Irish and Cypriot nationals with the one aim of fostering good relations and understanding of both cultures. For more information talk to one of our representatives or email us for membership details.

We launched over the St. Patrick’s weekend in March 2019 with several events and are working to develop more social and cultural events. We were then officially registered in December 2019 as a legal entity which was a detailed and lengthy process and took time to complete.

Join us now, and keep your finger on the pulse of the Irish in Cyprus. Please use the contact form to find out more.